Tuesday, November 4, 2008

More Terry Pratchett

It turns out you can put things on hold at the library! OK, I knew that already, but I went a little crazy with the Terry Pratchett Books the other week. So, over the last little while, I've read The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents (a young adult novel and possibly one of his best), Hogfather (Pratchett's take, or twist, on Christmas), and Equal Rites (an earlier Discworld book and not quite as polished as his later stuff).

My favorite and, I dare say, the best of the three is The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents. It has interesting themes of humanity, transcendence over our basic nature, and idealism. Funny how sometimes YA novels are the most laden with that kind of thing.

Add to this list Carpe Jugulum and, shortly, Mort. I think this will finish my Pratchett phase for now! I probably won't be reading too much between now and Christmas, but we'll see. I'd like to read The Snopes trilogy (Faulkner) and East of Eden (Steinbeck) but they take a bit more of a commitment and attention span than the books I've been attempting (the 'finish it in a week if you read less than an hour a day' variety.) I need some suggestions.... Allison asked about The Host - I've got it on hold at the library, but it had quite the waiting list and will probably take a while yet.

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